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101 Norcross Avenue, Bethpage, NY 11714

Adult Tennis Programs

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SPORTIME offers a complete menu of Adult lesson programming supervised by our certified tennis professionals.  Whether you are looking for a great way to get in shape, learn the sport for a lifetime or play competitively, SPORTIME has something for you.  Programs include Group Lessons, Cardio Tennis, The SPORTIME Zone, private and semi-private lessons and more.  
A minimum Tennis & Sport Membership is required to participate. Restrictions may vary by location.

Major League Tennis
Program Major League Tennis League tennis is a great way to exercise, to make friends and to enjoy competing against players at your level. We supply new balls for your matches, trophies at the end of the season, weekly standings and special events. We do all the work - you have all the fun. Singles, Round Robin and Fixed Doubles and Mixed formats available at all USTA levels. Leagues may vary at each SPORTIME location. New Members require court testing for league placement. Call and get in the game today! 

Spring 2025 Session

ATK Group Lessons
Program ATK Group Lessons Adult Tennis Kinetics™ (ATK) Group Lessons are offered year-round. Our adult lesson program, services thousands of SPORTIME members across NY. In Adult TK, SPORTIME matches compatible members into groups with a carefully matched coach, and then provides a reserved court, the same day and time each week for a set series of weeks.

Spring 2025 Session

Program The SPORTIME Zone
This high-energy, high-spirited program features challenging tennis games, just like the ones that make our world-class junior training programs so successful. Ground stroke games, volley games, approach shot and passing shot games - you name it, we play it. Meet new friends, improve your tennis skills and get fit!

Spring 2025 Session

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