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275 Old Indian Head Road, Kings Park, NY 11754

Tennis Programs for Ages 5-10

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SPORTIME U10 Tennis is comprised of Red and Orange levels and trains our U10 players to become well-rounded, competitive athletes. Using appropriate sized courts, rackets, and low-compression balls, our young athletes learn to play the game of tennis quickly. Find out more below. Ages may vary at each SPORTIME location.
A minimum 10 & Under Tennis & Sport Membership is required to participate. 

SPORTIME U10 Red One - Ages 5-7
Program SPORTIME U10 Red One - Ages 5-7 The first stage of the SPORTIME U10 Pathway is designed for young players just starting to play the game. Using the appropriate-sized Red Court (36’) and ball (low compression red) U10 Red One players learn to serve, rally and score on the Red Court over the lower net. Red One students focus on tracking the ball, moving into effective hitting positions and directing the ball using basic stroke shapes. Actually playing the game from the start increases our youngest students’ motivation to learn and to commit to acquiring new skills.

SPORTIME Kings Park U10 Profile Form

SPORTIME U10 Red Two - Ages 6-8
Program SPORTIME U10 Red Two - Ages 6-8 RED Two players continue on the Red Court, refining strokes, working on more advanced tracking skills and learning to send the ball to specific areas in order to start building a tactical understanding of court geography. Red Two players will also begin linking shots together and developing more advanced technical skills, including learning how to deal with spin and speed. Developing players that love to play and compete is our mission, so Red Two players continue to compete in SPORTIME World Tour events.

SPORTIME Kings Park U10 Profile Form

SPORTIME U10 Orange One - Ages 7-9
Program SPORTIME U10 Orange One - Ages 7-9 Orange One players transition to the larger Orange Court (60’) and the full-sized net, using both red balls and orange balls that move faster and bounce higher, making tracking and movement more challenging. Tactical sophistication increases, as players learn to link shots into patterns and to develop an understanding of choices from different positions on the court, including how to move an opponent. Technique continues to evolve, with increased swing lengths and added spin needed to meet the demands of the court and to match growing physical capabilities. Orange One players continue to compete in SPORTIME World Tour events.

SPORTIME Kings Park U10 Profile Form

SPORTIME U10 Orange Two - Ages 7-10
Program SPORTIME U10 Orange Two - Ages 7-10 Orange Two players start to master patterns and begin to understand their own strengths and weaknesses. Each shot is now hit with the intention of challenging the opponent. Players work on becoming more aggressive from the back of the court and also on playing more at the net. Tactical skills include decision making, taking time away from the opponent and increasing intensity of play. In Orange Two there is increased focus on developing the athletic skills that form the foundation of technical development and on maximizing the movement and balance skills that are essential for playing high-level tennis. Orange Two players continue to compete in SPORTIME World Tour events.

SPORTIME Kings Park U10 Profile Form

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