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Sportime Logo 1-888-NYTENNIS
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75 Hasket Drive, Syosset, NY 11791

Court Time

Program Image 3 SPORTIME is proud to operate the finest tennis facilities in New York State, including over 150 indoor and outdoor courts, on a variety of surfaces, across Long Island and in Manhattan, Westchester and the Capital Region. All SPORTIME members are welcome to reserve seasonal indoor court time with or without private coaching, rent indoor court time on an hourly basis at substantially discounted rates, and take advantage of designated complimentary court time at any of our SPORTIME tennis locations. SPORTIME Associates may reserve seasonal indoor court time, or rent indoor court time on an hourly basis, at full retail rates.

Seasonal Court Time
Program Seasonal Court Time
SPORTIME members who wish to play the on same day/time each week, may reserve seasonal court time, for the winter or summer seasons, at substantially discounted rates. Just contact us for court availability.

Seasonal Court Registration Form, 2025-2026 Season

Court Rental
Program Court Rental SPORTIME members may rent tennis court time at substantially discounted rates and may also enjoy complimentary tennis court time, offered at days and times that change monthly. Simply contact us to reserve a court today or log on to SPORTIME Online.

Open Tennis Court Time Rates 2024-2025

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