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Big shout out to our SPORTIME/JMTA players for their stellar tournament results! To view tournament results by SPORTIME/JMTA location, use the filter. To find a specific player, tournament or tournament level, use the keyword search. To see complete results by player, simply click the player's name.

Please note, results for players achieving quarterfinals or better will be displayed. If your player participates in SPORTIME/JMTA programming, but your player's results aren't listed, please contact your club staff to update your player's results. 

Boys' 12
Level 1 Sections Invitational Championships / Austin Tennis Academy, Austin, TX
Won 1 match, reached FIC R64
Lake Isle
Boys' 18
Level 1 Sections Invitational Championships / North Central High School, Indianapolis, IN
Won 1 match, reached FIC R64

Records 6061 to 6062 of 6062
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